Classified Professionals Survey Results

Faculty Survey Results

Management Team Survey Results

Students Survey Results


Diversity and Inclusion Climate Survey – Post Survey Action Plans


  1.  February 14th PDA workshop

     Title: Your voice was heard – now let’s take action!

In this interactive workshop, your voice will form the foundation for change at SRJC. The responses from the 2018 Diversity & Inclusion Climate Survey are in and it is time for us as a college community to decide where we go from here. Join members of the EEOAC and provide input as we together plan for the solutions to the concerns raised and put shared governance into action. Come prepared to be a change agent as we plan to put the survey voices into action moving forward.


  1.  Classified Professionals/Faculty/Student/Management Survey Analysis

EEOAC Co-Chairs, will analyze the results of each constituent group survey with their other constituent group members on the committee to analyze the findings. Each constituent group will provide an Executive Analysis Report to be shared District-wide this year.


  1.  “The Solution Forum”

Become the Change You Want to See! Become a Change Agent!

Steering Committee: Equal Employment Opportunity Advisory Committee


To provide a “think tank” platform where District employees can come together to explore and propose solutions to address issues outlined in the Diversity and Inclusion survey results.


To provide the District administration with proposals for use in making decisions, and developing new initiatives that will facilitate the District’s efforts in creating a learning and working environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and respected.


  • To have at least one forum every semester to address one major theme at every meeting
  • To create a positive environment where District employees can address issues in a collegial manner
  • To ensure that discussions are focused on creating solutions not an avenue to call out any persons or department
  • To empower employees to be passionate about becoming agents of change and making viable and sustainable recommendations
  • To ensure that all key stakeholders are invited to the Forums

First Solution Forum is scheduled for April 30th 2019 and registration information will be available by the end of this month.

Solution Forum Agenda